Monday, June 23, 2008

Canada's Wonderland

What an eventful day (and night, and last night as well!!)

Hopefully, some pictures will eventually be posted up on my blog - finally some pictures of MYSELF you say!!

Last night, I stayed at Hei's place. And, i LURRRVE it! I love her cats - they're beautiful, and so adorable. I just wish they'd jump right next to me and sleep beside me while i'm sleeping so that I can have something fuzzzzy to hold :P But of course, pets do that to 'mommy' or 'daddy' usually, and i'm not their 'mommy', Hei is. ^^

Didn't sleep too well, but unfortuantely, I wasn't the only one. See, like you say, i think we would have both slept better if we had slept together. Well, we'll learn for next time!!

The morning came just way too quickly, and i managed to drag my ass out of bed (or the REALLY comfy sofa, and i mean really comfy) and took a mini-journey to Oakville, where admist our wait, we have Timmy's for breakfast. Mmmmhmmmm, a big, fat greasy Breakfast Sandwich (the bagel one): egg, cheese and sausage. Dellllicious! Sure did energize me for a while.

Another drive, and we arrived at Canada's Wonderland *insert pretty picture here*. Actually, by the time we are IN the park, it's already past 11am. By 'we' i'm referring to a party of 5: hei, joy, ken, ter, me.
We managed to squeeze in 2-3 rides before grabbing lunch at 1, and lo and behold, it begins to thunder and of course, lightening strikes across the sky. We didn't see this though, since we were eating lunch inside a cafe. We found out when we got to a ride, and they were "Temporarily Closed until the weather permits". Strange, since there was no rain or any sign of wet weather.

Then, it bagan to rain. Heavily. we ranback to the car from Minebuster. And did that hurt my feet - i was wearing flip-flops and eventually ran with them in my hands.

Hanging out in the car was nice - blasting loud music and singing at an equal volume. The rain passed and we went back in and went on another marathon of rides.

The best ride by far was the new ride: Behemoth. And wow, was i scared. My legs started shaking the 2nd big drop down, and kept shaking, but i was forced to disregard it and keep my feet pressed firmly against the narrow foot support to ensure that i didn't lose both peices of flip-flop footwear. With the wind whipping at my face and watery eyes from the force from rushing down, I couldn't help but curse when we dropped. I wonder if Hei heard. Probably not :P the screams were deafening.

Rides I also went on: Mini-Cooper Stunt Ride, the Rage, Thunder Run, The Fly, Vortex, Wild Beast (twice).

And, exhausted and spent, we left for dinner at around 7.35pm and had some good ol' chinese food near where i live. And, about an hour ago was dropped back home.

Sigh. And, a good kind of sigh. not the bad kind.
what a day. it was good. and, i had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah that was a fast update!! haha good job!!

i have all the pictures with me.. get on msn and i can send you the zip folder :)