Wednesday, July 16, 2008

100 Pushups: I used to be able to do that!!

Again, from Lifehacker, the's a One Hundred Pushups: from Zero to one Hundred in 6 weeks! Seriously? Can this happen? I know that I used to be able to do 100 push-ups, and I did it in 3 mins. But, that was... well, more than 10 years ago.

I want to try this out - I'll check in with you in 6 weeks. Let's see if I can do this. Or, actually, I'll check out their program, and let you know if I'll do the program.
clipped from

If you're serious about increasing your strength, follow this six week training program and you'll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive push ups!

about 30 minutes a week to achive this goal!
blog it

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