Friday, July 25, 2008

Biking Trip to Highway 7

Came back from my biking trip to Highway 7 and Leslie.
And... I just plugged some addresses into Google Maps to find hat i only biked a total of 6km!??!?! That was it?! I thought it more was more than that! But, I took a heck of a long time biking a total of 6km today! It was def. more than 30mins. I wonder if I should blame it on the hills, or blame it on my oral surgery.....

But regardless, the feeling of biking with the sun shining above me, and biking into the wind (made it hard to move fast) was so nice. It is refreshing and makes me feel free. Well, I guess anyone would feel free when they glide down a slope at around 35km/hr on two 26" wheels!

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