Saturday, July 12, 2008

Judge Dredd

Finished watching another movie tonight. I like it when I watch movies with Chris like this. It was in the car, nice and cosy, but then battery died! So, we moved to my basement. I think it's really nice to just sit and relax with him. Even if it's in a small basement, even if it's just on the floor, sitting on cushions. 

We watched Judge Dredd, and it has been forever since I've last watched Sylvester Stallone! And, mmmhmm, he was such a hunk! Not too good an actor, and reminds me a bit too much of Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminiator 2. 

It also reminded me of the time we watched "The Fifth Element" in my basement. And, I enjoyed both the movie and the company. 

Alright, now about the movie - it's interesting. The story is quite interesting. Nice to see that in a movie with such an actor (it's almost like how you don't expect to see a good plot in Jet Li movies, because normally, people go for the action). Well, this plot is definitely not a WOW plot, but it's not bad. Interesting plot, settings, and the way the city functions. 

Though, I liked The Fifth Element more. There are some 'cheesy' parts in the Fifth Element, but I like the plot and story, and character development more in The Fifth Element. Bruce Willis Movies have currently not let me down! And, that lady actor is awfully good! Comparing the two movies, I'd watch The Fifth Element. But, I suppose you can't expect that much character development in actors who don't really carry/convey that wide a variety of facial expressions. Sorry actors, I don't meant to offend - just expressing my opinion towards this form of art.

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