Monday, July 21, 2008


is the movie that I watched today.

Yes, I know what you're thinking - God, does this person have a life? They keeping blogging about movies, giving short reviews and sporadic critics and praises for them. There is no consistent format or consistent way of critiquing (if any at all) the movies.

Well, I suppose that my current 'living' allows me to view movies, ranging from the boring, slow-paced and 'no-plot' movie like "The Omen" to the funny, fast-paced "Kung Fu Panda", to the mind-boggling "Cube" and gruesome yet edging and disgustingly intriguing SAW series.

Anyways, the movie that I watched today White Noise 2: The Light, was indeed a strange movie. Speaking to the dead, to seeing electric static transmissions, and then incorporating Satan and aspects of the Christian Religion into the same movie... is just weirddd. It wasn't creepy weird, nor was it that scary - it was just strange. It was the: "huh?!" phenomenon more than anything. Flat out: I didn't like it, nor the way things went down. At points, the movie was so slow going. Seriously, when your family members get murdered, wouldn't you go crazy trying to find out who the hell the man who wanted them dead is?! The pacing and the events just didn't go well for me. The way the movie ended ... ekkk. Didn't work for me either.

So, there you have it in a nut shell: the movie White Noise 2: The Light is a movie about white lights bundled with dead people and the devil. Weirdness. But, not the recommended sort of weirdness.

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