Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Canada Day 2008

What a day!!

Started off taking a dear friend to the airporto!
And, as I was driving, I forgot that there would be more OPP's on the 400 series (highways) and up in the air! I got to my friend's house, the airport and back home FAST. like, REALLY fast. the whole round trip took about 70mins. Well, lucky me there were no OPP's on my way in - and on most of the way out. About 5km away from my highway exit home, mum tells me that I should speed because a lot of the POPO's will have their radars out on the hunt.

Well, the reason why I headed home in such a rush was so that I could head out with my family for a picnic at Ashbridges Bay, also known as: Woodbine Beach! And WOW, it was gorgeous!! Not to mention the ridiculous 35 minute parking hunt and 20minute walk from parking spot to beach - it was all worth it! The weather was a killer! It was absolutely amazing! I wish you were there to see it and feel it!

Mom made us potato salad, and we had bread, ham, lettuce and mayo/mustard to make our sandwiches. we were all very hungry by the time our picnic cloth was set out, and we all ate quite a bit! It was nice to sit there in the sun with my parents and brother. And, we played RUMMY-O! It's a number game where the objective is to get rid of all your number cards. But, in order to do so, you must be able to lay out your cards in patterns, or make patterns out of your cards and the ones that are on the table. You need to use your brain a littl ebit for this one - and sometimes, it's really draining.

We headed home 2 hours later (and i wish we didn't leave so soon) because dad had an appointment.

After bummung about a few hours at home playing some old school Guitar Hero II, washing the dishes, and drying our wet tents (from the rainy camping over the weekend) it was time to head out again! We were going over to a family friend's for korean BBQ (or something like that). It turned out that we were invited RIDICULOUSLY early... only to find that there was really nothing to do. And, i did something a little disrespectful, but the story is long, and I don't feel the desire to type it out here - but bottom line is, i drove myself along with my brother home - to fold some clothes and do some 'home' stuff.

45mins after getting home, we headed out again. This time back to the friend's house, but this time i was dropping my brother off. I had plans elsewhere :P

Though the food i consumed for dinner is really of a different calibre (meaning, i think i sacrificed quite a good meal), spending time with the person I wanted to was totally worth it. I love it when he cooks, even if its something simple. Something from canned goods. It makes me hungry for it. And, i ate quite a lot. I normally don't get second helpings, but i did. And, more than just a second helping!

We watched the fireworks from his rooftop together. Romantic.
A moment that I've wanted since my trip to Hong Kong.
it was relaxing to lean on him, to have him hold me in his arms against the wind while we watched the fireworks plow and explode in the sky form afar.

The ice-cream waffle cone we shared after was very nice too.
and, so are the two 1-litre pre-packs sitting in the fridge downstairs.

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