Thursday, July 10, 2008


At this moment in time, I'm trying to get SAW I, II & IV from torrents. And, the obtaining process has been very slow due to the fact that there have been POWER OUTAGES today ALL DAY. We will have everything in our house that is powered by electricity - and i meant everything suddenly click-out and die on us, and then to have it booted back to life several minutes later. And then, have this repeat every 30-90 minutes. Yes, I agree that having outages that last 3-7 minutes is better than not having electricty for 3-7 hours, but I don't find this to be particularly entertaining - esp. having to reboot my WINDOWS PC, wait 2minutes for it to boot and wait again for the log-in and start-up.

And, how is this related to affected-ness?

it has everything to do with affected-ness. It's rather unfortunate, i think, but I am a person so easily affected by things. People, feelings, happenings, turn outs of events - you name it, and unless I am very apathetic towards it, I will likely be affected by it. Hence, my emotional life is like riding the Behemoth all the time.
I'll try not to take things that aren't even mine so close to heart. It's hard - really, I don't try to let these things get to me, and somehow they just find a way. But even so, I will try to shield myself from it's powerful pull. So, that my emotional life isn't always like Behemoth - but, more like taking a walk on the beach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome post charis. know your weakness and work on it. i'm impressed!