Tuesday, July 15, 2008

lllustrative Imagination

I want to be lost in a vivd haze of imagination. Where the colors are so bright and strong that they sting the eyes. The action is crisp and clear, immpecable. Words are not heard. well, perhaps they are. Things move swiftly and smoothly. Oh, so fluidly you don't notice any change. Then, so suddenly, there are jerky motions. Everything movies so mechanically. The action is so fast-paced. It's alsmost as if your heart is beating 250 times a minute, and the adrenaline rushes. Then all of a sudden, everythign clams down. It is like you are transported above the still waters. There is no wind. The water is still. It is quite - you only hear the sound of your own breathing.

Sugh vivid imagination is so soothing. Yet, it can be so breath-taking, or heart-breaking. The thrill and excitement, to the sorrow and gloom. Isn't it amazing what can go on in our minds. In that little box of ours?

When we want to share, we cannot share it all. Not because we don't want to. Sometimes, our language just does not have the vocabulary to express the feelings and thoughts that rush through this divine and sacred part of the human body: the mind.

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