Tuesday, July 8, 2008

snap shots

i want a camera, so i can take snapshots of everything/anything i want, whenever i want.

I miss having a camera to use for myself. But, when I do have one, i go craaaazy!
But, that's okay, I hope 100GB will be enough storage space!


MsKarenAu said...

yea. i want my own camera too. get Canon, they're zeh bestest. avoid Sony.

missylo said...

Yah, i think i will get Canon... IF i get a camera. for one - they use SD cards, and not the 'sony-specific' memory cards. that's just.. ughhh. ^^

Anonymous said...

If you get an EyeFi -- http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Fi-Card-Wireless-GB-Memory/dp/B000X27XDC/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1 -- you don't need to worry about how much space you have, as things would be uploaded automatically to wherever (I know flickr/zooomr/picasa are supported and think facebook is). Let me know and I'll look into getting you a discount.

missylo said...

eeek.. sounds a bit too 'hi-tech' for me!But, i'll take a look at it, and check out the link you posted!