Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My First Fishing Trip

I got back not long ago from Port Perry. It's west of the town of Markham along HWY7 and is about a 60-70Km drive away from home, i.e. approx. 50min drive at 80-90kmh.

Hei and I took off for Port Perry at around 2pmish this afternoon and didn't leave the Port until staying htere for a good 4 hours.

And, i must say my very first fishing trip as an adult was very positive!!! It was a very windy, but good experience - I'm really happy about that!
Guess how many fish i caught?

.. seriously, guess a number, any number.


you probably didn't guess it. the number is:

ZERO!!!! the BIG OH!

Nope, we didn't catch a THING! neither of us! Actually, it makes me feel a bit better that Hei didn't get anything either. Because, if she did - i think my competitive side would feel so STOMPED... yes, now you all know how childish and immature i am.

The best part by far was being able to ride the little motorboat out into the open lake. No, it wasn't big at all. [it being both the boat AND the lake or pond, or whatever it was that we were fishing in] And, i think it would have been fun to canoe or kayak (they have rentals there for that too!

There was this ONE spot where i casted the rod, and... oh my, oh my!! the first time i felt a TUG!!! and, the bloke behind me saw the tug too!!! SO, i guess it's not just seaweed, ot grass, or whater 'forest' they have down there in the water. You see, Hei kept fishing tons and tons of it - so much, she claimed that she was fishing and hauling in a forest when she reeled. Too funny!

anyways, maybe we'll be able to do this again some time!

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