Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I watched Cube on watch-movies.net. It's a old 1997 movie. A classmate from last year, one of my zoology classes, mentioned it when I talked about SAW (I, II, III & IV). He said that Cube was a psych-thriller that I should watch if I liked things like my description of Saw. You see, he had never seen SAW or any of the series himself and was suggesting this movie based on some of the traps I talked about from the SAW movies.

And, my review about it is: definitely NOT up to par with SAW, or ANY of the ones released so far!! But, I will reserve some comments for this movie. It wasn't bad. Actually, I was expecting much more gory than was displayed. It wasn't as scary actually. The Hills Have Eyes, and even Untraceable gave you more tension and chills than this movie. This movie, I thought played more on the mind, not so much gut reaction. It would have been brilliant if a viewer actually figured out the puzzle. I mean, if that were me, I'd feel so proud of myself, and I would love the movie. But, I didn't. SO, i don't love the movie, i like it. Maybe even enough to watch it again with someone - definitely not by myself. SAW, on the other hand, I would watch again by myself. Actually, I just copied a copy of it from Chris' hard-drive to my Macbook.

I don't want to say too much about the movie, since I don't want to give anything away - because I'd want you to watch it!! It's quite a fun movie!
No ratings this time - I can't think of one at the moment. It wouldn't be a low rating, that's for sure. And, alright. I can tell you that it's about people, and a cube. You try to figure out what happens, or, watch it to see it in front of you!
And, i think it is good because, the quality that I watched was terrible - the audio and video were out of sync about 75% of the time, but I still watch the whole 1.5hours of it! That should tell you something! And, remember, it is categorized as: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller - well at least on IMDB!

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