Monday, July 7, 2008

Sibbald Point Camping Trip

Was really nice and relaxing.

We arrived there at around 6.40pm, only to find ourselves at the back of a very long line up to registr ourselves for the campsite. Usually, I hate waiting in line, actually, I normally don't appreciate waiting for anything because I am a rather impatient person, but the 50minute wait gave me lots of opportunites to interact with dogs! Since, their owners had to join the huge line-up and wait for their turn to enter the camp as well.

I met this HUGE Newfoundlander and his owner at the gate. The dog was gigantic! The largest dog that I've seen live! HE must have been at least 180lbs. But, he was so friendly and like a big oaf! You can't be afraid of him. He seems to be such a gentle soul. And, the most beautiful golden retriever ever. It was more like a white retriever! It's fur was so soft and light in color! When did i become such a dog lover? It must be Chris!

When we finally got to our campsite, we set up the tents and at around 8.30-9pm, chris and I went to wash the dishes when... a boxer walked along. He was so cute! Aww, so cute the way he walked toward me 9when he was already being attended by 2 other female passer-bys. And, he nuzzled me with his nose. *heart melt* Wow, I'm such a cheese for their sappyness.

And, Chris and I have concluded that I am a lover of big dogs. And, that I am destined to be the owner of a big dog - one day. I am still deciding what dog i like the most. I need to interact with them all first!

The camp-fire was very nice. Warming to our freezing toes. Believe it or not, the temperature drop was so drastic! I will definately leran for next time. I didn't bring enough to wear. Next time, long jeans and a thicker jacket will definitly be packed.

what I can't wait to talk about is the second and thrid days: our beach days!
The beach was amazing! The first day, we had a BBQ on the beach, and top that! If i were the people sitting next to us, I would be full of envy. But, I am luvky enough to be the person sitting in front of a charcoal burning open fire with a BBQ fork in my hand. And, with this sort of barbequing, ample amount of honey ontop of your food makes it heavenly. The mushroom pork meatballs were heavenly. Chris has a really doog ability to BBQ such GOOD chicken wings!!

when we could finally drag ourselves to leave at 7.45pm, we heade dback to our campsite and made some pasta for dinner. I must say that Chris is quite talented in the pan-frying department. That ham was so crnchy and tasty even after being cooled down.. MMMMMHMMM!

Then our settlers Marathon. Literally marathon. I've never played such a long game of settlers. it was fun though!

ANd, the next beach day.. was even better! Hei was here, and the potatoe salad she made was just fantastic! makes me hungry for potatoes now.. and, the rest of the bag is in chri's car, probably in him home now. And, the bread. And, the noodles.

The beach part was just heavenly! bringing the air matress out to the water was an amazing idea - yay Chris! lying, floating there, was gorgous, being toasted by the hot, hot, sun. And, the guys made us feel like queens when they brought us food and water from the shore to our little floating haven.

picture, pictures is a must! But, too bad we didn't have a water-proof camera. no picutres of our floating heaven!

we left the campsite exhausted. I believe most of us were. well, i definitely was! It was a fun trip. I would go again, anyday.

first camping trip with friends. alone.

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