Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs

I never knew that I'd be a dog person... but recently, I've come to realize that i do have a thing for dogs when I get the chance to open up to them. And, from my recent Sibbald Point camping trip experience, I am looking into dogs and the different breeds.

Just last night, while I stayed over at Hei's place, I looked at her big book of dog breeds (well, the books wasn't 'big', it was just really thick). And, I had already set my eyes on some of the dogs. I had a a major criteria: the dog had to be BIG. I'm not a big fan of small dogs. Maybe it's because my neighbor's dog is small, and it barks and lunges at ANYTHING that walks remotely in it's (or it's "property's" direction. And when I say bark, i mean BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK kind of bark. Seriously, I don't even remember how many times I've said to myself: "please, shut the hell up". I know, it might just not be properly trained, and is spoiled and is allowed to do whatever it pleases. Gee, did I mention that it even barks (oh, it's a SHE) at the mailman who delivers mail to the door everyday? And, that Fiesty animal was unleashed a few times - not gone unnoticed by the wary and worried neighbor's of theirs. Anyways, that's another long sotry that I won't dulve into now.

I want to put up some pictures of the dogs that I like and take interest in - and all these are the BIG-ger dogs: please let me know if I've left any "big dogs that I might fall in love with" out!
Please not that the dogs I'm eyeing for are larger than 50lbs. I actually want something BIG 70-80lb plus :P I also think that these are the dogs found mainly in the "Working Dogs" category, although I think I also like those in the "Sporting" category.

German Shepard

Great Dane

Dobermann/Dobermann Pinscher


Husky (incl Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute)

Labrador Retriever

look at that cute puppy face!!!!

Giant Schnauzer

Akita Inu

This is a great site where all the "Working Dogs" are listed: American Kernal Club. There's a little icon picture of the dog above the name.


MuttNation said...

One word... bullmastiff. Learn it, live it, LOVE IT.

missylo said...

Thanks for your post MuttNation!

Bull Mastiff's are such adorable animals! I don't have a whole lot of experience with bull mastiffs, but the one that i know, loves the couch!!
He'll chase when there's something to chase, but he's prefer a good nap or a laying down on the couch. Sometimes, he's even a bit too lazy to go to the food bowl!

Do you think it's just this mastiff that's like that?

Because, I'd prefer a companion that is a bit more active, who will motivate me to go for walks, and a good game of fetch!


Twistedkeys said...

rotties are nice and i really like the gsd but they need alot more grooming any questions

mail me at

im not to lazy on dog breed research ;)

liena aifen said...

i love dogs

bullmastiff puppies said...

nice post, I think if you have puppy it gets you too-much happiness and I love puppy