Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love for the Outdoors

Today was such a beautiful day, I'm so glad that I decided to go outside to a run, and then outside again for another walk. I wish I had my bike to rip down the sidewalk (because I'm not ready to go on the road yet).

I want to bike on a dirt road, and go over bumpy things. It woudl be so m=nice to be able to do this with my biking partner. And, i want to Kayak too! The last time I kayaked, and had an awesome time was about a year ago in Windsor. Ever since Pelee Wings (the Kayak rental shop), I've been chasing after that feeling of Kayaking into the open waters. Of course, not that I would really, unless I'm sure I can Kayak 10km back to shore. Or, unless I have a motor in the Kayak, so I can dump it in the water and motorize myself back to shore. :P

I'll be heading downtown to Cylepath to check out my bike, well, hopefully my bike. If all goes well. And then, a good lock to go with it. And, a helmet. W000t! Then, my biking partner will need to get a bike rack, to put the bikes on the car - to take them to nice biking places. So many things to do - so little time!


Anonymous said...

I took Priscilla kayaking for her birthday a few years ago, under the Golden Gate bridge. The canoe featured AMAZING views of the San Francisco skyline and the general bay area. I'd have brought my camera, but it would have gotten wet and, as I'm sure you know, electronics and water tend not to be the best of mates. Maybe when you visit, I'll take you.

missylo said...

The Golden Gate Bridge, that sounds so beautiful.